Sound Column
- by RAMP UP/Donna Conklin King
2023 - Sound Column
Sound Column is a collaboration between SPA artist Donna Conklin King and eighteen RAMP Up students at Summit High School.
Designed specifically for SHS students who are considering a career in the visual arts, RAMP Up (which stands for “Rising Artist Mentorship Program”) offers students the opportunity to work with a professional artist to create and install a public art work for our city’s public art program. As always, RAMP Up is offered to students at no cost, thanks to the generosity of our donors.
During the fall of 2023, SPA artist Donna Conklin King (Cave Painting) met weekly with students to work with them on “Sound Column,” an interactive sound sculpture with xylophone keys secured at the base that can be played with mallets that are attached to steel cables and bolted into the column. The body of the column is covered in glass mosaic mandala tiles designed and created by the students. Each design is unique and visually complex. Viewed together they bring a welcome dash of color to the grounds at the Summit Community Center. The installation is dedicated to the GRACE community.
Special thanks to Donna Conklin King, SHS art teachers Kelly Wright & Meghan Scozzari, and to all of this year’s RAMP Up students for coming together to create this inspiring work:
Abigail Borg
Oliver Charilas
Miriam Chacon
Alex Diaz
Aneyaa Dube
Nell Ducey
Lellah Farris
Aidan Grange
Ailish Gutshall
Dhriti Hedge
Rachel Herhold
Elisabeth Husveth
Ejoo Kang
Alexis Mollin
Gianna Mitchell
Mariana Porsse
Jaretzi Sanchez
Kareena Whipple
Take a Look!
Location: Summit Community Center at 100 Morris Avenue
Installation Status: Current Installations