- by Emil Alzamora
Titled Dettifoss, the work is part of a series by artist Emil Alzamora, in which he explores "the ideas of erosion, distillation, purity, reduction and simplification as it may occur to the human form and as a metaphor for one’s state of mind or being."
"I love the idea of an unsuspecting person stumbling upon a work of art in a public space and having that be the circumstances in which they engage art."
The installation is situated perfectly to maximize the impact of its stillness on the commuters who pass by it daily.
Dettifoss evokes a meditative state of mind to passers-by outside the Summit train station.
Emil has had two solo shows in 2019, one in London and one in NYC, and other shows in New York State, wrapping up his busy year at the Miami art shows. He works out of his studio in Beacon, NY. Of his current work he says, "I’m excited to bring together the many visual and material sculptural experiments that I have made over the years to start building a more unified body of work. This has been percolating for a number of years and is coming more into fruition now." We anticipate continued success for Emil and look forward to seeing what he does next.
Take a Look!
Location: Village Green – South West Quad
Installation Status: Past Installations